Python File Handling: Stripping File Extensions Made Easy

5 min readJul 2, 2024


Programming fundamentally involves handling files, and Python provides strong and adaptable file and directory management capabilities. Removing file extensions from filenames is one frequent activity. This can help with renaming files, processing large volumes of files, and organizing data, among other things. We will dive into the nuances of Python file management in this extensive Python book, with a particular emphasis on file extension removal. This article will discuss handling Python files, their benefits and drawbacks, and how to use the open, write, and append methods.

Python File Handling

Python has file-handling functionality, enabling users to read, write, and perform many other file-handling operations on files. Although the idea of file handling has been extended to many other languages, its implementation is typically difficult or time-consuming. In contrast, this idea is straightforward and concise, much like other Python notions. Python handles text and binary files differently, and this is significant. A text file is formed by the characters that make up each line of code. A unique character known as the End of Line (EOL) character, such as the comma {,} or newline character, ends each line in a file. It informs the interpreter that a new line has begun and terminates the existing one.

Opening and Reading Files

You must open files to begin working with them. For this, the built-in open() method is utilized. Here’s an easy illustration:

file = open('example.txt', 'r')
contents =

Writing to files is also quite simple:

file = open('example.txt', 'w')
file.write('Hello, World!')

The cornerstone of Python’s file management is these fundamental operations. Let’s take a closer look at file extensions next.

Understanding File Extensions

The suffixes that follow filenames and usually indicate the file format are called file extensions. For instance, the file extension “.txt” in document.txt indicates that it is a text file. Applications and operating systems need extensions to recognize the sort of content a file contains to handle and display it properly.

Common File Extensions

  1. .txt: Plain text file
  2. .csv: Comma-separated values file
  3. .jpg, .png: Image files
  4. .py: Python script file
  5. .html: HTML file
  6. .pdf: PDF document

Basic Techniques for Stripping File Extensions

Removing a filename’s suffix is known as “stripping a file extension.” This may be accomplished in Python in a few different methods, each with their benefits and applications.

Using Manipulation of Strings

String manipulation is the easiest way to remove a file extension. To divide the filename at the dot and remove the extension, use the str.split() function.

filename = "document.txt"
name_without_extension = filename.split('.')[0]

Output: document

This method may not handle filenames with many dots correctly, but it works well in simple scenarios. Archive.tar.gz, for example, would not be handled correctly.

Using os.path.splitext()

A more reliable method of handling file paths and extensions is offered by the os module. The filename is divided into a tuple with the name and the extension using the os.path.splitext() method.

import os
filename = "document.txt"
name, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)




Using pathlib.Path

Python 3.4 brought with it the pathlib module, which provides an object-oriented method of managing files. Working with file paths and extensions is made easy with the Path class.

from pathlib import Path
filename = "document.txt"
path = Path(filename)
name_without_extension = path.stem

Output: document

Advanced File Handling with the os Module

With several features for file and directory operations, the OS module is an effective tool for interfacing with the operating system.

Using File Paths

There are many methods available in the os.path submodule for modifying file paths:

os.path.join(): Constructively connect one or more path elements.

os.path.basename(): Returns a pathname’s base name.

os.path.dirname(): Returns a pathname’s directory name.

os.path.abspath(): Returns a pathname’s absolute path.

import os
# Join path components
path = os.path.join('folder', 'subfolder', 'file.txt')

Output: folder/subfolder/file.txt

# Get the base name
basename = os.path.basename(path)

Output: file.txt

# Get the directory name
dirname = os.path.dirname(path)

Output: folder/subfolder

# Get the absolute path
absolute_path = os.path.abspath(path)

Handling Errors and Best Practices

Reliable file management requires robust error handling. Permission failures, improper paths, and missing files are common problems. By including error handling, you can make sure your applications are robust and easy to use.

Managing Missing Files

A file should always be verified as existing before trying to open it. This may be done conveniently with the help of the pathlib module.

from pathlib import Path
path = Path('example.txt')
if path.exists():
contents = path.read_text()
print("File does not exist.")

Controlling Access

Efficiently manage permission failures by identifying exceptions and sending insightful notifications.

from pathlib import Path
path = Path('example.txt')
contents = path.read_text()
except PermissionError:
print("Permission denied. Unable to read the file.")

Verifying Routes

Make that all pathways are legitimate and secure, particularly when handling user input.

from pathlib import Path
path = Path('example.txt')
if path.is_file():
contents = path.read_text()
print("Invalid path or not a file.")

Best Practices

Use Context Managers: To guarantee that files are correctly closed even in the event of mistakes, always utilize context managers (with statements) for file operations.

from pathlib import Path
path = Path('example.txt')
with as file:
contents =

Modularize Your Code: To improve structure and reusability, divide your code into functions and modules.

from pathlib import Path
def read_file(path):
with as file:
path = Path('example.txt')
contents = read_file(path)

Validate Inputs: To avoid mistakes and security risks, make sure user inputs and file paths are verified at all times.

from pathlib import Path
def validate_and_read_file(path):
if path.exists() and path.is_file():
return path.read_text()
raise ValueError("Invalid file path.")
path = Path('example.txt')
contents = validate_and_read_file(path)

Python is a flexible tool for managing files and directories because of its file-handling features and strong modules like os and pathlib. File extension removal is a frequent activity that may be completed in several ways, each having benefits and applications of its own.

Utilizing sophisticated methods, adhering to best practices, and grasping the fundamentals of file handling will enable you to manage files in your Python applications successfully and quickly. Whether you’re using Python to construct web apps, analyze data, or organize files, learning file handling is a crucial skill that can boost your productivity and let you work on a variety of projects.

You may construct reliable and effective file-handling systems that satisfy your unique requirements by concentrating on error handling, performance concerns, and useful applications. You’ll find even more methods to improve your programming projects and optimize your processes as you go further into Python’s file-handling features.




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